For too long, I put a lot of weight in the opinion of students who didn’t like me. I’m not saying they don’t count. Just that there are as many—may be more—who I had a real connection with. And their opinions matter as much. *** I taught a lot of young people—thousands in twenty years. In numbers, they would almost fill the CNE coliseum. When a former student approaches me, I’ve started asking: What was your experience of me as a teacher? Then I listen. I open to the conversation. *** Time has not worn my passion and curiosity down. Those qualities are invaluable. I'd even say precious. They carry the best lessons. I was a good teacher. *** It’s beyond me to please everyone. There’s lightness in letting that go. The fact is I failed some. But on the whole, I did my best (sometimes under incredible duress). I always felt I answered to chefs and restaurateurs more than any institution. *** I’ve just spent ten days with two former George Brown students—each with a unique talent—both on the cusp of change. Watching them grow into who they are is a privilege. I’m grateful they still care what I think. And are happy to see me. *** Thank you, Alyssa and Blake, for your beautiful hospitality. You too are my teachers. I am your student. Wasan Island is a magical place. 2021Comments are closed.
November 2024
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